Why CBH Medical Rehab

Charles Hilson knows first hand what life is like suffering from ED. After prostrate cancer treatment he was left without the ability to have an erection. He has dedicated the last 15+ years working with thousands of men to help them with their penile function so that they don't have to experience what he did.

CBH Medical Rehab was birthed out of Charles Hilson's desire to help men choose better health.

It is a unique program that is designed for your success. This program allows you to restore your penile function from the comfort of your home with the support and guidance of experts.

It is comprised of four different programs so that whatever your need there is customized care for you. Each program comes with everything you need to be successful as well as 1:1 live support as needed.

The CBH Medical Rehab program has been recommended by a network of Men's Sexual Health medical experts across the country. It is non-invasive, natural, pain free, with no side effects, easy to use, and is completely cost effective. Once you purchase your program you will have lifetime support to ensure life long results!

Each program contains medical grade FDA-cleared quality products and service as well as exclusive ED men's penile health content. Everything is manufactured in the USA and comes with a 90 day money back guarantee.

It's time to get your life back and CBH Medical Rehab is here to help you do it.

" Men really need to know about penile rehabilitation, that it works and has been very helpful in my recovery. It's given me a sense that everything is going to be alright and all hope is not lost. " - Barrett Strong, 59, prostate surgery & radiation

What Comes In The CBH Medical Rehab Program?

  • Step-by-step Penile Rehabilitation routine

  • ED health & wellness e-book

  • 6 Devices to choose from & 5-year warranty

  • Unlimited consultation time with an ED advocate

  • 2nd day UPS shipping

Erectile Dysfunction

Communicating about Erectile Dysfunction: A Guide for Partners

February 17, 20232 min read

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common issue that affects many men, yet it can be a difficult and sensitive topic to discuss, even with a partner. It can be tempting to ignore the issue and hope that it goes away on its own, but effective communication is key to addressing ED and finding a solution together.

Here are some tips to help make the conversation go smoothly:

  1. Choose the right time and place

Find a quiet and private place where you both feel comfortable. Avoid discussing the topic in a public setting or when one of you is feeling stressed or distracted. Make sure to schedule the conversation at a time when both of you have enough time and energy to talk openly and honestly.

  1. Use "I" statements

Start the conversation by using "I" statements to express your feelings and concerns. For example, "I have noticed that our intimacy has changed lately and I'm feeling worried." This approach puts the focus on your feelings rather than blaming your partner for the issue.

  1. Listen and validate

Be an active listener and try to understand your partner's perspective. Show empathy and acknowledge their feelings. For example, "I can imagine how difficult this must be for you. I'm here to support you."

  1. Work together to find a solution

ED can have many causes, including physical, emotional, and lifestyle factors. Work together to find the root cause of the issue and explore possible solutions. This might involve seeing a healthcare provider, making lifestyle changes, or using medications or other treatments.

  1. Don't blame or shame

It's important to remember that ED is not a reflection of your partner's masculinity or sexual ability. Avoid blaming or shaming your partner for their ED. Instead, approach the conversation with a supportive and non-judgmental attitude.

In conclusion, communicating about ED can be challenging, but it's an important step towards finding a solution together. With the right approach and a willingness to listen and understand each other, partners can overcome this issue and strengthen their relationship. If you or your partner need additional support, consider seeking the help of a healthcare provider or couples therapist.

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